SDG Trail Map

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 represent an urgent call to action to end poverty, protect our environment and ensure peace and prosperity.

The DkIT SDG Trail is a walkable trail which aims to highlight progress made at embedding the SDGs across our campus. By walking the trail, you will not only learn about the 17 SDGs but you will find out about all of the projects and initiatives taking place in DkIT to enhance student life and progress the DkIT Sustainability Strategy.

Proudly delivered by:

No Poverty

Zero Hunger

Good Health & Well-being

Quality Education

Gender Equality

Clean Water & Sanitation

Affordable & Clean Energy

Decent Work & Economic Growth

Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

Reduced Inequalities

Sustainable Cities & Communities

Responsible Consumption & Production

Climate Action

 Life Below Water

 Life On Land

Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions