DkIT has a policy to make free drinking water available to all students and members of staff. DkIT has extended the provision of free filtered drinking water via the installation of chilled drinking fountains and bottle fillers to all its buildings. The Estates Office are dedicated to expanding access to clean, fresh, filtered water. In addition, this also impacts on SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) as it encourages everyone to use their own water containers and not rely on the provision of pre-packed containers or even worse one-way cups. It is DkIT’s plan to extend this service in the future.
Dundalk and the surrounding area in north Louth gets drinking water from the River Fane through the Cavan Hill pumping station. The River Fane flows from Monaghan to Dundalk Bay where it enters the sea close to Blackrock. SDG 6 very much matters to researchers in the Centre for Freshwater & Environmental Studies (CFES) at DkIT. Where cutting-edge research under the ‘Water, Communities and Catchments’ theme is focused around water governance, integrated catchment management, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and source protection of drinking water sources for rural water supplies in Ireland.