What We Do!
The Water Forum on the Magic of Water for Science Week 2020.
Helpful Resources
Explore helpful resources for understanding the impact of water.
The Water Forum
The Water Forum has developed a number of fantastic online modules including ‘Using Digital Maps to explore local water resources’. This module is suitable for secondary school, Junior Cycle
Classroom-based assessments or for Transition Year students and comprises a resource book for teachers that includes 4 lesson plans, the supporting Power Point presentations and links to additional information. All of the learning resource and materials are available on scoilnet.

EPA is another super resource with lots of information about local Catchments. You can even search for your local waterbody and explore your Catchment in detail using the interactive maps is a collaboration between the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Local Area Waters Programme.

The National Federation for Group Water Schemes ‘All About Water’ is a hands-on and hugely interactive source that encourages school children to explore the fascinating world of freshwater habitats and to develop an understanding of all things & wet and wild.
Using a specially designed, graphically engaging workbook the course examines the key themes of water protection and conservation, ensuring that the students have an understanding of their own responsibilities when it comes to this precious resource.
This workbook comprises five lessons that discuss the importance of water in our everyday lives: what it is, where it comes from and how it is to be conserved and protected. Each lesson contains simple experiments and activities.

For Students
Different insects live in different types of water. Some live only in clean water while others live in dirty polluted water!
The different insects that live in streams can tell us how healthy that stream is! Many insects need clear, cool water, lots of oxygen and lots of food to stay alive.